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Choose from seven high-impact opportunities

Presenting Ulu $100,000

Everything a Diamond Ulu receives PLUS:

  • Your logo, with prominent positioning, on the Official Team Alaska Parade Jacket.
  • Two slots in the official travel party (charter flight and hotel included).
  • Complimentary tickets to VIP events at the Arctic Winter Games.
  • Personal Daily Updates from the President of Team Alaska during the week of the Games.

Diamond Ulu $75,000

Everything a Platinum Ulu receives PLUS:

  • Special VIP invitations to (and recognition at) Team Alaska functions.
  • Two full uniform sets.
  • One-quarter (1/2) page ad in the 2023 Team Alaska Media Guide.

Platinum Ulu $50,000

Everything a Gold Ulu receives PLUS:

  • Opportunity to do a cross-promotion with the team.
  • Prominent display of corporate logo with link on Team Alaska website.
  • Corporate logo on 2023 Team Alaska electronic newsletters (with a reach of over 6,000 athletes and parents statewide).
  • Commemorative plaque with collector's pins.

Gold Ulu $25,000

Everything a Silver Ulu receives, PLUS:

  • Your logo on the Official Team Alaska Parade Jacket.
  • Opportunity to give a product/gift to the 400+ members of the traveling party.
  • Two Team Alaska jackets.
  • Electronic updates during the week of the Games.

silver ulu $15,000

Everything a Bronze Ulu receives, PLUS:

  • Banner placement at Team Alaska events.
  • Corporate logo recognition in participant handbook (provided to the 400+ members of the traveling party).


Bronze Ulu $10,000

Everything a Champion Ulu receives, PLUS:

  • Two Team Alaska shirts.
  • Two Team Alaska Hats.
  • Recognition on social media platforms.
  • Right to use the "sponsor level" designation with Team Alaska logo.

Champion Ulu $5,000

  • Exclusive Sponsorship Ulu.
  • Certificate in recognition of sponsorship.
  • Special VIP invitation to the 2023 Team Alaska send-off.
  • Name listed on the "Current Sponsors" webpage.

Team AK Friends

Supporters at the  $2,000 to $3,000 dollar level will receive their name on the Team Alaska website, and a personal phone call from the Board President.

Team AK Fan

Supporters at the $500 - $1,000 level will receive their name on our website. 

Community Partners